Have a question about health and social care services, but aren’t sure where to go to find out?

Our experienced signposting team is here for you – whether you need to know how to make a complaint, how to access a service, or would like to give feedback, we can help.

Complete our Signposting Feedback Form below or call 01707 275978 to get in touch.

What is signposting?

Healthwatch Hertfordshire provides the signposting service to members of the public for health & social care services in Herts. This means that when you come to us to find something out about those services, we try to put you in touch with the right person or organisation to help you. Here are some of the questions we get asked:

  • Do I have a right to choose where I’m being referred by my GP?
  • How can I arrange for carers to come to my mum’s house?
  • I'm very unhappy with the way my daughter's care and treatment has been handled - how can I make a complaint?

Whatever it is, we’re here to help. Just complete our Signposting Feedback Form below, and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as we can.

What if I don't want anyone to know who I am or that I contacted you?

We make every effort to safeguard your information; you do not have to tell our Information and Signposting Team anything you don’t want to, and you do not have to give your name or location. However, in order to help you, we will need to ask certain questions to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the suggestions and support we’re providing. Be assured that any information you do give will not be shared with any other organisations without your permission. 

What do you do with the information I give you?

We record the details of all enquiries securely and use this information to capture trends and help improve people’s experiences of health and care in Hertfordshire. The records of all enquiries are stored and destroyed in line with our data retention policy. We will only break your confidentiality if we believe that you, or another person, is at risk of harm.

Signposting Feedback Form

Please complete the webform below as far as possible, and someone from our experienced Information & Signposting Team will be in touch to help.

Please enter your name.
Please enter your telephone number.
Type of support
So that we can best help you, please let us know what type of signposting support you are looking for. Please tick all that apply.
If you are contacting us regarding a particular service or services (e.g. Watford General Hospital, East Herts District Nurses, Monread Lodge Care Home, etc) please enter it here.
Please give details of what you would like to contact us about. If applicable, please include: what the issue is, when it happened, what you have done to solve the issue so far (if anything), and what you would like to happen. Including as much information as possible will ensure a swifter response from the signposting team.
Because of the work we do, it’s important for us to know a little bit more about the people we're reaching. You don’t have to answer ANY of the following questions, but anything you can tell us about yourself is really helpful when reporting to our commissioners on our work. As stated above, any feedback you give will be anonymised and the same applies to your demographic details.

Tell us a bit about you

Please enter your gender; e.g. man, woman, non-binary, intersex, or self-describe.
What is your religion or belief?
How would you describe your sexual orientation?
How would you describe your nationality & ethnicity?
Please select any of the following that apply to you
A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.

Privacy Agreement

We make every effort to safeguard your information, and you can be assured that any information you do give will not be shared with any other organisations without your permission. We record the details of all enquiries securely and use this information to capture trends and help improve people’s experiences of health and care in Hertfordshire. The records of all enquiries are stored and destroyed in line with our data retention policy. We will only break your confidentiality if we believe that you, or another person, is at risk of harm. Please read our Privacy Policy for more information.

Here's what some of our service users have said about us...

"Thank you for calling back and talking to me, it's been a great help."


January 2025

“Thanks so much for listening. It makes such a difference."


March 2025

"Thank you for your help, I needed exactly what you have given me."


January 2025

Thank you for our quick chat yesterday. The information [you've given] is ever so helpful!


February 2025