Healthwatch Hertfordshire works with volunteers to address the needs of local residents, particularly those who are disadvantaged and whose voices are less often heard.

We recruit people to support our work on a project by project basis. This approach enables us to
engage and work with people with the right skills, experience and expertise as and when required.

To be the first to hear about new volunteer opportunities and otherwise support our work, you can:

You can also support us by sharing your views on health and social care services, and check out our current projects.

Why volunteer with Healthwatch Hertfordshire?

  • To make a difference in your local community by giving people the opportunity to speak up about their experiences of health and social care services.
  • To connect with like-minded people as you become part of the Healthwatch volunteer team.
  • To boost your CV as you develop new skills and confidence in the role.
  • To benefit from our full training and support programme which follows NCVO good practice in volunteer management.
  • To use your skills to contribute to the success of Healthwatch Hertfordshire.

Joan Twitchett

Joan started volunteering with us in 2017 because she has a passion for how local health and care services are delivered and how they can be made better. Over the years she’s been involved with several Enter & View projects - including visits to dental practices and St Albans City Hospital. When the pandemic hit and the consequent lockdowns came into force, we realised that we would need to change the way we delivered our services too. This is what Joan had to say about the situation:

"2020 was a very unusual year for us all. Our ‘Enter and View’ projects were cancelled and I wondered if there would be any tasks for me as a volunteer. However I was fortunate to be able to support Healthwatch from the safety and comfort of my own sofa!

In May, I was auditing GP websites looking for information about services available for patients during Covid-19. In November I became an actress to mystery shop the online clinical service provided by Connect Health Physiotherapists. I felt pleased to be able to continue my voluntary role during this difficult time. Both tasks were very interesting and I enjoyed being involved."

Volunteer Interview: Alex Booth

Alex Booth is one of our newest Board Members, appointed in early-2022. Speaking to us for last year's Annual Report, Alex discusses his reasons for volunteering and his commitment to the charity. Click the button below to find out his first impressions of the organisation.

Read the Annual Report

Volunteer Interview: Barbara Birch

Barbara is an Enter & View Authorised Representative who has volunteered with the organisation since 2016. She discusses one of our recent projects in her interview and what motivates her to get involved with our work. Click the button below to find out more about her experience of volunteering with us.

Read her Volunteer Interview

Our volunteers’ dedication, hard work and expertise enable us to continue to raise our profile within Hertfordshire communities through their various volunteering roles. A big thank you to each and every one of them for working with us to hear patient experiences and improve services.

Healthwatch Hertfordshire Volunteers' Lead, Nuray Ercan