Enter and View: Lister Hospital

Another day, another fantastic Enter & View visit. On Wednesday the 7th March a team of Enter and View volunteers were at the Lister Hospital checking out patient experience.
Three women outside hospital entrance

About the visit

Gathering in the morning for a briefing from Jane, the trained volunteers then set out armed with questionnaire forms and info cards to find out how services were being received. Once again we had been asked by Care Quality Commission the  to help support the work they are doing, which speaks volumes of the quality of the work our volunteers produce.

The Lister is a big hospital, and so there was a lot of ground to cover. The ethos of our work means that it is vital that we know how patients feel about the service they are receiving. These visits gives us an idea in real time of what is happening. Our independence means that patients who may not always be comfortable talking to hospital staff about issues or complaints are able to talk to us with confidence. Additionally, as we are there simply to find out the views of the public we don’t need to try an apologise or explain why issues are occurring. Instead we focus on the matter at hand which allows our reports to present practical recommendations designed to ensure that the issues affecting one person aren’t just dealt with for them, but that they don’t also happen to the patient who comes after.

Feedback from the day

After a long day and a lot of information gathering the team discussed issues and concerns in the debrief. All of the relevant information and recommendations will be in our report, but one thing that came through time after time was this: Our NHS colleagues are absolutely amazing. Patient after patient went out of their way to say how helpful, friendly, supportive and caring staff and volunteers at the Lister are. They had already said exactly the same about the staff at the New QEII two days previously. So before anything else happens, we wanted to take a moment to say ‘THANK YOU’ to each and every one of the people who keep the NHS running. You are all amazing, and the people you help love you for it.

And so do we!

Find out more about: 

Use this link to read the full report following our Enter and View Visit to the Lister Hospital.

Or share your experience of the Lister Hospital to help the NHS know what worked and what could be improved using the link below.