Hertswise Telephone Mystery Shopping Project

For 3 weeks at the end of June into July when we basked in a long hot summer, a number of our volunteers were busy completing mystery shopping telephone calls to Herts Help to test out the triaging system for the AGE UK Hertswise Dementia Services.
Volunteer making a phone call

Hertswise is an innovative countywide service designed to support people living with dementia, low level memory loss or mild cognitive impairment as well as their loved ones and carers

The volunteers made nearly 30 telephone calls to the service using 6 different scenarios put together by Age UK and Carers in Hertfordshire. The information gathered has  been analysed to give some key headlines for the Hertswise Stakeholder Group before the full report is published.


Click here to find out more and read the full report. 

If you would like more information about Hertwise or know somebody who would benefit from these services

please call Herts Help on 0300 123 4044.