Have your say on how the NHS should change in Hertfordshire
'What would you do?'
Independent health and care champion Healthwatch Hertfordshire is launching ‘What would you do?’ to encourage people in urban and rural areas across the county to share their views about what changes to local NHS services should look like.
The Government is investing £20 billion a year in the NHS as part of the NHS Long Term Plan. Local organisations have now been asked to work out what changes will be made locally to help make the NHS better for local people.
The public are being asked for their views about how services for long-term conditions could be improved. They will also be asked to share their ideas on how people can live healthier lives and what improvements they think could be made to help people access services quickly.
We know that the NHS works best when people’s voices are heard. This is a once in a generation chance for local people to help decide where this extra money from Government should be spent in our NHS services in Hertfordshire.
We want to hear from as many people, groups and communities as possible to ensure the local plans reflect the needs of our population. We want to hear about what works, what doesn’t and how people think local health services should be improved. No matter how big or small the issue, we want to hear about it. Sharing your experience with us is quick and easy – and could make a big difference. Come and see us in person or take our survey.
Update December 2020
Healthwatch Hertfordshire and Herts and West Essex Sustainability Transformation Partnership (STP) worked together to identify the needs of local residents. The consultation is complete and the NHS Long Term Plan report for Hertfordshire was published last year.
You can read about the consultation and find the reports here on our website or download the documents below.
NHS Long Term Plan
Download and read the full findings and summary reports here.