By talking to us you have helped to make Annual Health Checks better
Our approach to this work
We have been working with Hertfordshire County Council to find out what you think about Annual Health Checks. To do this we needed to speak to people with learning disabilities, their carers and their support workers. We spoke to 138 people at their Learning Disability Forum. 335 people filled in our questionnaire. That means we have heard from 491 people! This is a fantastic result and we could not have done it without your help!
What we found
We have written a report on what you said about Annual Health Checks. You can read the report on our website. Click on the link at the end of this article. The report tells us what works well about Annual Health Checks and what does not work well. The report has made recommendations which tell us how Annual Health Checks could be better. The report will be sent to services in Hertfordshire to help them make services better for you. Thank you for talking to us and telling us about your experiences! By talking to us you have helped to make Annual Health Checks better for you and other people with learning disabilities.
Annual Health Check Reports
We have produced a report based on what the learning disability community told us. The report includes recommendations which have been shared with commissioners and service providers to help improve Annual Health Checks for people with learning disabilities.
You can download and read either the standard or Easy Read version of the report here.