Do you think you get the healthcare you deserve, regardless of race or ethnicity? Share your views and experiences

Everybody is entitled to access equal and fair treatment from the NHS. But current ethnic inequalities in healthcare mean this is not always the case.
People of different ethnicites

Are you of Black, Asian or Arab Origin?

We want to hear from people of Black, Asian and Arab origin to understand your experiences and views of healthcare in Hertfordshire - whether you use the NHS or not.

By understanding what shapes different experiences, we can learn how services can be improved for specific communities. In this way, we can work together to transform local healthcare, and ensure everybody receives the same level of care regardless of ethnicity. 

How to share your views and experiences

As different communities face different barriers and challenges within healthcare, we have created specific surveys for each ethnic group below. We also appreciate that 'identity' is complex, so we have provided an opportunity to describe how you personally identify within the surveys.

To share your experiences anonymously, please complete one of our short surveys below. The survey will take between 5-10 minutes. 

If you are of Black origin, please share your views here:

If you are of Asian origin, please share your views here:

If you are of Arab origin, please share your views here:

If you require this survey in a different format, or would like to share your experiences and views with us in a different way, please contact us on the details below.

Other ways to feedback

To further ensure you can share your experiences and feedback in a way that suits you, we are also running a series of focus groups and one-to-one discussions. If you would prefer to share your views this way, please contact Tasha by:

Calling 01707 275978


Our survey is now closed.

We thank you for taking the time to talk to us!

How your voice makes a difference

By sharing your views, you are helping local NHS services understand you better and eradicate inequalities in healthcare. Your experiences will inform recommendations made to NHS leaders to assure action.

To learn more about the ways your feedback has made a difference to how health and care runs, please click here to take a look at our previous projects.

Keeping informed 

We will provide updates on this project via our website and newsletter, including our report. If you would like to sign up to our newsletter, please click here.