Consultation on the Hertfordshire Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022
The government requires all health and wellbeing boards to produce an assessment of pharmaceutical services in its area, at least every three years.
Hertfordshire County Council's health and wellbeing board’s next assessment is due by October 2022. The council would like to hear your views about pharmaceutical services in Hertfordshire and its Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment.
NHS pharmaceutical services include:
- dispensing medicines and appliances on prescription
- sale of medicines to the public
- providing advice to the public on medicines, coping with ill health or general health and wellbeing
- receiving waste medicines for safe destruction.
Your feedback will inform the final document, which will be produced by 1 October 2022 and published online.
Please read the draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment and then complete the survey to provide your comments.
Consultation start date: 11 April 2022
Consultation closing date: 10 June 2022