Research for All - Come Along to our Public Events

The NHS has been working with partners to make NHS and social care research more inclusive, so that everybody has the opportunity to take part.
We are holding two events to share what we have learnt so far and for people to tell us how we can continue to improve inclusivity in NHS and social care research.
When and where?
Wednesday 7th June 10:00am - 1:00pm at the Jubilee Centre in St Albans
Friday 16th June 10:00am - 1:00pm at the St Andrews Centre in Hertford
We want to hear from members of the public, voluntary and community organisations, and professionals, so please come and have your say.
Tea, coffee and a light lunch will be provided.
Register your attendance
If you would like to attend either of these events, please contact Healthwatch Hertfordshire by Wednesday 31st May:
01707 275978
When you contact us to register, please tell us which event you would like to attend and let us know of any access and/or dietary requirements.