Full funding for new local hospitals confirmed
The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care made the announcement yesterday, outlining a major funding package and future plans for the New Hospital Programme nationally.
West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust said the new hospital at Watford General was great news for staff and patients.
In Harlow, the Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust said the new hospital would be a world-class healthcare facility for the local area.
We welcome this long-awaited certainty and are pleased to see these projects finally able to progress for the people of Hertfordshire and West Essex. These two new hospitals will provide patients with state-of-the-art facilities and improve working conditions for staff. We have already brought the patient voice to many early planning meetings relating to these projects, including the connected service reorganisations in St Albans and Hemel Hempstead, and we look forward to continuing to contribute a patient perspective as the projects move forward. We’ll continue to stay in close contact with both Trusts as they work through the details of this funding. We remain very aware of the other services in Hertfordshire and neighbouring areas that need capital investment outside the New Hospitals Programme and hope that the work being done to find that money will also be productive.