Fair access for care home visitors

Hertfordshire Care Providers Association (HCPA) has published two guides to support care home providers – a visitor communications guide and a social media toolkit – in direct response to the findings of our Care Homes Report which recommended better communication be put in place.
What did our Report find in 2022?
Our Report investigated visiting restrictions and rules put in place during the Covid-19 pandemic and sought to find out whether updates to these had been suitably communicated to families, carers and visitors when measures eased.
Problems with safe care home visiting for families hit national headlines during the pandemic with isolation, lack of contact with families and no clarity or consistency about visits causing anxiety and stress for all concerned.
In Hertfordshire, we found many care homes did not clearly communicate to visitors when rules and restrictions had changed. Some also did not make it clear that residents could have visitors - even during an outbreak - highlighting the need for clear and consistent communication.
What has happened since then?
Herts County Council responded to our initial Report quickly, with Herts Care Providers Association contacting all Care Home Managers and asking them to ensure that: ‘families are able to visit safely now and in the months ahead, in line with guidance and respect for legal rights, for the overall health and wellbeing of the residents involved.’
HCPA has now also developed new guides for care home providers, so they can develop better communication strategies, tools and advice. Offering clear and concise messaging, which is updated regularly, will ensure friends and families know what is happening and provide better clarity.
Nationally, Healthwatch is supporting MPs campaigning to give care home residents and hospital patients a legal right to ‘care supporter’ visits.
What are the rules about visiting care homes?
Latest Government guidance (3 April 2023) states:
“In the event of an outbreak of COVID-19, each resident should (as a minimum) be able to have one visitor at a time inside the care home. This visitor does not need to be the same person throughout the outbreak. They do not need to be a family member and could be a volunteer or befriender. Additionally, end-of-life visiting should be supported in all circumstances.”