Navigating Digital Health: Online GP Services and Bookings

We have just launched a survey about online GP services and bookings - and we want you to tell us about your experiences.
Black doctor typing on a laptop with stethoscope around neck

There has been a significant shift toward digital services in the healthcare landscape and many GP services are now accessed predominantly online. 

Whilst these changes have presented many opportunities, there are also numerous challenges and difficulties. 

Healthwatch Hertfordshire is partnering with health providers (NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex) to look at what is working and what needs to be improved in terms of online services. 

By filling out our survey about GP online services and bookings, Hertfordshire residents will be able to help us: 

1. Understand whether people use online services to book appointments with their GP services

2. Explore what people tend to use online services for 

3. Identify how online services could be improved and made easier to use 

4. Explore public experiences of using online services. 

Everyone in Hertfordshire and west Essex can help us make a difference. 

You can complete the survey here: Navigating Digital Health: Public Insights on Online GP Services and Booking Survey (