Complaints Policy

If you have a concern or complaint about Healthwatch Hertfordshire, please see details within our complaints policy on how to raise this with us.

How to make a complaint

In the first instance Healthwatch Hertfordshire would encourage you to raise a concern or complaint or to provide feedback on our service informally. Giving an opportunity to provide information or correct misunderstandings or correct misconceptions at this early stage may enable the issue to be successfully resolved sooner.
Contact us

If your concern or complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction through the informal route, then you should notify us by email, letter, or via a telephone conversation with a member of our staff.

What will happen next?

We will acknowledge your concern or complaint in writing (or in another preferred method of communication) within five working days. 

An appropriate member of our team will get in touch and try to resolve your concern or complaint. Once we have clarified what your concern or complaint is about we will try to resolve the issue within 15 working days. Sometimes we may need more time to do this, but we will agree this with you in advance. 

Our Chief Executive looks at all concerns and complaints, unless they are the subject of the complaint. 

If you are not happy with the outcome of your concern or complaint - you have the right to appeal.

Your right to an appeal

If you remain dissatisfied you have the right to appeal the outcome of your concern or complaint.

Your concern or complaint will be passed to a member of the Healthwatch Hertfordshire Board who has not previously been involved with your complaint. 

They will review the facts and consider all the evidence to decide if your appeal is upheld. They will share their findings and confirm their decision to you in writing within 20 working days. The concern or complaint will then be closed.

If your complaint is about the Chair or one of our Trustees

Please request and refer to document ‘HwH-SD-011 Process for Dealing with a Breach of the Trustees Code of Conduct’.

Complaints Policy in full

Please download and read our full complaints policy if you would like the information given above in more detail. 

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