1. Report -

    Read more about our October 2015 Board meeting in public.
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    Read more about our December 2015 Board meeting in public.
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    Read more about our February 2016 Board meeting in public.
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    Read more about our April 2016 Board meeting in public.
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    Read more about our August 2016 Board meeting in public.
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    Read more about our October 2016 Board meeting in public.
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    Read more about our December 2016 Board meeting in public.
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    Read more about our February 2017 Board meeting in public.
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    Read more about our May 2017 Board meeting in public.
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    Read more about our September 2017 Board meeting in public.
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    Read more about our November 2017 Board meeting in public.
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    Read more about our June 2016 Board meeting in public.
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    Read more about our February 2018 Board meeting in public.
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    Read more about our May 2018 Board meeting in public.
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    Read more about our August 2018 Board meeting in public.
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    Read more about our November 2018 Board meeting in public.
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    Read more about our February 2019 Board meeting in public.
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    Read more about our May 2019 Board meeting in public.
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    Read more about our August 2019 Board meeting in public.
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    Read more about our November 2019 Board meeting in public.
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    Read more about our April 2018 General Board meeting in public.
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    Read more about our AGM where the members approve the accounts and elect the trustees new to the Board, or conduct a re-election where a member’s term has reached three years.
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    Read more about our AGM where the members approve the accounts and elect the trustees new to the Board, or conduct a re-election where a member’s term has reached three years.
  24. Report -

    Read more about our AGM where the members approve the accounts and elect the trustees new to the Board, or conduct a re-election where a member’s term has reached three years.
  25. Report -

    Read more about our AGM where the members approve the accounts and elect the trustees new to the Board, or conduct a re-election where a member’s term has reached three years.
  26. Report -

    Read more about our AGM where the members approve the accounts and elect the trustees new to the Board, or conduct a re-election where a member’s term has reached three years.
  27. Report -

    Read more about our AGM, where the members approve the accounts and elect the trustees new to the Board, or conduct a re-election where a member’s term has reached three years.
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    Read more about our February 2020 Board meeting in public. Our Board members reviewed and signed off our ‘Patient Experience at West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust’ report.
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    Read more about our August 2020 Board meeting in public. Our Board members reviewed and signed off our new Strategy for 2020 – 24 and looked at the highlights of our achievements based on information from contract monitoring returns in 2019-20.
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    Read more about our November 2020 Board meeting in public. Our Board members reviewed and signed off a new Decision Making Procedure and agreed the dates of their public Board meetings taking place in 2021.
  31. Report -

    This policy explains how Healthwatch Hertfordshire makes its decisions in a fair and transparent way.
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    This policy and procedure outlines: what Enter & View is, how Healthwatch Hertfordshire plans its visits, and how Authorised Representatives should conduct the visit. It also includes information on our statutory powers to do this.
  33. Report -

    This Annual Report provides an outline of our work and the impact it has had over the past year. It also looks to the future, outlining key priorities and planned activities for the year ahead.
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    It is important that more people in Hertfordshire know who we are and what we do and how to contact us. Read about the work that we have been doing this year to promote this across the County.
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    Ensuring that the voices of patients and service users are heard is a fundamental activity. Find out more about what we have been doing over the past year to represent and champion patients and the public in Hertfordshire.
  36. Report -

    Read about who we are, what we do and what we have achieved in this year’s Annual Report.
  37. Report -

    It is Annual Report time, and a chance to reflect on another positive and achieving year. This report portrays an exciting picture of the wide range of activities and achievements over the last 12 months.
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    Our Annual Report looks back at what Healthwatch Hertfordshire has achieved over the past year. 2018 was the 70th anniversary of the NHS – marked by celebratory events, speeches and more importantly a boost to funding.
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    Read about the work that we have been doing over the past year to hear the patient voice in Hertfordshire and to recommend improvements to health and social care services.
  40. News -

    Communities with the greatest health challenges across the region are set to benefit from government funding awarded to run applied research projects, which can transform the lives of millions of people managing health issues.
  41. News -

    Yesterday, our Chair Steve and our Chief Executive Geoff met with Paul Burstow, the new chair of the Hertfordshire and West Essex Sustainability Transformation Partnership (STP) and former Minister of State for Care Services.

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    Geoff Brown and Priya Vaithilingam recently attended the Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care East of England Celebration and Planning Event.
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    Last week, Our Chair Steve Palmer, our Chief Executive Geoff Brown, and one of our Trustees, Roger Beeching, all met with Mark Prisk MP for Hertford and Stortford.
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    Who can believe it’s that time of year again? Volunteers’ Week 1st-7th June was last week, which meant it was time for us to hold our annual Volunteer Celebration Event.
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    The year is now drawing to a close and it’s time to reflect on the achievements of our volunteers over the year.
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    People’s real life experiences of the NHS and Social Care are set out by Sir Robert Francis, Chair of Healthwatch England in a new report to Parliament.
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    New ways of working and a new team structure in the office brings new opportunities for our volunteers and a training programme to support them.
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    The news has tended to be dominated by non-health issues over the past few weeks. Here at Healthwatch we have however been keeping our eyes on the health and social care world and there is a lot happening.
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    This September, Healthwatch Hertfordshire’s senior executive team have been taking stock of our services, priorities, ways of working and where we can make most impact.
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    The Government is investing an extra £20bn a year in the NHS as part of the NHS Long Term Plan. Now you can help your local NHS invest in the right support by sharing your ideas with us.